Wage Assurance and Wage Theft
BMAC’s Wage Assurance programs are a critical step in protecting everyone working on your jobsite and ensuring they are paid a fair and livable wage.
Wage theft is an issue that has plagued the construction and service industries for years. Our Wage Assurance program was established in direct response to provide owners, general contractors, specialty contractors, and subcontractors confidence that the workers on their jobs are receiving 100% of the wages they earn.
Wage Assurance programs in the construction industry play a vital role in ensuring fair compensation for workers, promoting fair competition, and supporting economic growth. These programs are essential for protecting workers' rights, maintaining high standards of quality and safety, and fostering a stable and equitable construction market. Understanding and adhering to these regulations is crucial for owners, contractors and subcontractors.
Wage theft can take many forms and is defined as the denial of wages or employee benefits that are rightfully due. In the construction industry, this often occurs when a worker is misclassified as an independent contractor (1099) when they should be an employee (W-2).
Other forms of wage theft include:
Failing to pay overtime
Failing to pay for all hours worked
Failing to provide required breaks
The unauthorized deduction of money from paychecks and/or requiring employees to pay money earned back to the employer for unauthorized reasons
Requiring employees to work off the clock
Failing to pay employees for required training
Falsifying time records
BMAC has helped dozens of companies comply with Wage laws and establish for