What is a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE)?
The Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) is a for-profit business headquartered in the District of Columbia and certified by the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD). The program was established to promote the growth of local businesses within Washington, D.C. It is specifically targeted to enhance the economic opportunities of businesses owned by District residents and enhance the local economy.
How do I establish my company as a CBE?
In order to become a CBE, your company’s headquarters/principal office must be located in Washington, D.C AND the CEO and other high-level managers must perform their managerial functions from said principal office in the District.
The Enterprise must meet one of the following ownership standards
Independently owned, operated, and controlled
More than 50% owned, operated, and controlled by a District-based enterprise or not-for-profit business
Owned by a non-District based business enterprise or not-for-profit business that is more than 50% owned by District Residents
Additionally, the Enterprise must meet one of the following requirements:
More than 50% of the enterprise’s employees are District residents
The owners of more than 50% of the business enterprises are District residents
More than 50% of the assets of the business, excluding bank accounts, are within the District
More than 50% of the business’ gross receipts are District gross receipts
What is the advantage of becoming a CBE?
Businesses with a CBE certification obtain priority status when working on projects with the D.C. government. The District offers preferred procurement and contract opportunities to CBEs in direct contracts, as well as CBE-related goals for larger-scale projects.
What are the different types of certifications?
Once a business has obtained their CBE, they are eligible to get certified in a number of additional business categories. In order to get certified in these categories, your business must first be certified as a Local Business Enterprise (LBE) through DSLBD. The additional categories include:
Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)*
Personal net worth of the applicant must be less than $1M, excluding value of primary residence and their ownership interest in CBE
Development Enterprise Zone (DZE)
Resident-Owned Business Enterprise (ROB)
Longtime Resident Business Enterprise (LRB)
Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise (VOB)
Local Manufacturing Business Enterprise (LME)
Equity Impact Enterprise
How long is my certification good for?
A CBE certification is good for three years and must be renewed before it expires. Your business will start receiving notifications to recertify at 90 days, 60 days, and 24 hours before expiration. However, it is always good to start the process as soon as possible to avoid any gaps in certification status.
If you are thinking of obtaining a CBE certification, need to renew your CBE certification, or your CBE certification has expired, contact BMAC to help you navigate the process. For more information on the CBE program, please visit DSLBD’s website to learn more - CBE Certification - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | dslbd (dc.gov)